Saturday 16 February 2008

Brainstorming Theme for Project 6

Minutes from the 15 Feb 08 at Davies St Learning Zone Pod 1.

- Traveling
- Found Objects ( Journey of the object, the life of the object, etc)
- Ecstatics Provocations
- Reinvent new religion
- Invent a short conceptual course
- Idea of 'sharing'
- Food
- Problem Solving (environmental. world, etc)
- Instead of unpacking, why not packing?
- Animals in the city
- HORSES (Dont ask me, I just type)
- What if wheel was never invented? (tied up with time machine)
- Second Life

After discussing between Lena, Sanny and Tamra during the meeting, we decided that of the many themes we come out with, 'Found objects' and 'What if wheel was never invented' were the 2 choices that appeal to us most. The idea of traveling, ecstatic provocation and the others can indirectly be tied up with the 2 themes as well.

So Rebecca and Han, do comment on it and add more themes if you like. All we need to do is to agree on 1 theme to present this Monday 18 at 1700.


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